Forthcoming preachers and topics
'Know well the condition of your flock, and give attention to your herds.' Proverbs 16:3
Sunday Sept 3rd The Rev Rhiannon Francis will lead this communion service. The title is I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE and the reading John 6 v 30 - 51.
Sunday Sept 10 th The Rev. Rhiannon Francis will lead this service. Note service held on Sunday not Saturday as cycle race will not clash.
I am the LIGHT of the WORLD. John 8 vs 12 - 19.
Saturday Sept 16th 7.30pm A Service of Celebration and Praise
Sunday Sept 17th The Rev Rhiannon Francis will lead this Church Anniversary Service ( and Gift Day). Sermon title Where have we been and where are we going? Mat t1 vs 1 - 17. This a communion service. The keynote preachecr will be the Rev Lynne Green president of the BU
Sunday Sept 22ndThe Rev Rhiannon Francis will lead this communion service.
Sunday SEpt 29th Dr TimTCross
Sundday Oct 5th The Rev Rhiannon Francis will lead this Communion service om Hanvest Sunday.