Bible Study also known as Wednesday Fellowship
Bible study sessions have resumed and take place on a Tuesday morning in term times in the vestry from 11.30 onwards following on immediately from a meeting for prayer which is scheduled to start at 11.00am, most participants stay for both sessions but it is not obligatory. Both sessions are facilitated by the Pastor the Rev. Rhiannon Francis.
Prayer from 11.00 and Bible study from 11.30.
Tuesday Jan 16th 11.ooam Matt 7 13 - 20. False Prophets
Tuesday May14th 1 Cor 14 1- 40 speaking of Christ Adult Thinking.
Tuesday June 4th.Psalm 139, Wonderfully Made.
Tuesaday June 11th Romans 3 9 - 20. Deeply Fallen.
Tuesday June 18th.Hebrews 10. 1 - 18. Fully Forgiven.
Tuesday June 25th. Romans 8, 28 - 39. Eternally Loved.
Tuesady Sept 10th.2 Cor 1, 1-11. Our Comforting God.
Tuesday Sept 17th 2 Cor. chap 1 vs 12-27 Always yes in Christ.
Tuesday Oct 1st 2 Corr chap 3 v1-18
Tuesday oct 15 NO MEETING
Tuesday 22 2 Cor 6-14 7-16.
Tuesday 29 th NO MEETING - HALF TERM
Tuesday Nov 5th. Good Grief. 2 Cor 6 14-7 20..
Nov 12th. The need to give. 2 Cor 8-1 o 9 -15.-